Yep- what's a girl to do... Found a bag of Rockfish in the back of the freezer, and the fresh basil from Nana's backyard is slowly turning brown (that'll happen when she sends close to a pound of it...!)
Hello Tagine, it's time to get creative:
juiced two lemons (Thank you 4th mother)
halved 6 key limes (Thank you Grandma J)
1/4 cup of olive oil
1 teaspon of red chili flakes
6 whole garlic cloves
as much fresh basil as possible (Thank you Nana)
the frozen fish we're trying to get rid of...! Place in Tagine....

Now, this is fish, so let's cook this for no longer than 30 min. on 'simmer'. (lest it dry out)
Oh yeah, forgot about the 2 baby bok choys that are starting to wilt. Hello, Kasha Pilaf:
Hello Tagine, it's time to get creative:
juiced two lemons (Thank you 4th mother)
halved 6 key limes (Thank you Grandma J)
1/4 cup of olive oil
1 teaspon of red chili flakes
6 whole garlic cloves
as much fresh basil as possible (Thank you Nana)
the frozen fish we're trying to get rid of...! Place in Tagine....

Now, this is fish, so let's cook this for no longer than 30 min. on 'simmer'. (lest it dry out)
Oh yeah, forgot about the 2 baby bok choys that are starting to wilt. Hello, Kasha Pilaf:

used a bag of steamable broccoli & carrots (diced), added cut up bok choy
cook broccoli and carrots until good and sauteed
add 2 cups chix broth, cook for 1 min
add 1 cup kasha
put bok choy on top
Cook for 20 min on low (follow box directions)
NOTE: don't let Kasha undercook, lest it turn into mush; don't overcook it either, lest it turn into popcorn.
gimmie gimmie